Creative and Well-Thought Out Content Marketing Examples You Can Learn from
When it comes to business, being creative and logic is essential, especially if you are creating a strategy for your content marketing. If you own a business, you may find being creative and logical at the same time is going to be helpful for your business, because you can produce well-prepared and well-thought out content marketing strategies that will lead to good results in your business. Many companies out there have proven it and we are going to share you how they attract people using their exceptional content marketing strategies. Keep reading to find out the examples!
McDonald’s is a global fast-food brand whose reputation has evolved many times over the course of its history. In 2014, McDonald’s made a creative content marketing campaign to boost transparency and reputation while making customers happy with the food and service from McDonald’s. In this campaign, McDonald’s made “Our Food, Your Questions” feature that allowed people to ask questions to the company via social media and their website. Then the questions would be answered by the company, explaining about the process of devising, cooking and serving food in their restaurants. With this, they maintain clear transparent communication between customer and brand. You can adopt this approach for your content marketing strategy to increase your brand’s credibility.
BuzzFeed has become one of the world’s most popular news sources. That being said, they don’t only focus on news alone. Now BuzzFeed has expanded their content marketing campaign to build an audience that includes their Tasty Videos. Well, everybody likes food, right? Watching Tasty videos may really increase our appetite. Most of us also like watching anything related to food, not to mention the recipe! For that reason, BuzzFeed generates a giant audience of viewers and readers who are interested in food. In fact, at the end of 2016, the site had attracted more than 1.8 billion views. Their website alone is unique. It also contains mini-quizzes that are well-presented and well-delivered, so that people will not get bored taking it.
Denny’s is always consistent with their humorous content. They don’t take things too serious and use funny remarks in moderation but with their own style. Of course, in order to deliver the best humour, you have to conduct a research on your audience first and know your audience’s taste of humour.
Those above are the examples of the great content marketing strategies from well-known companies. You can learn many things from them, as each of them provides different ideas and strategies; however, there is one thing in common that you can learn from them; focus on audience/customers. All of the things they do for their content marketing strategies, it is all focused on their customers or audience. If you set your eyes on your customers or audience, then your content marketing strategies will deliver the best result for your business.