Tear-jerker: How to Utilize Emotion in Content Marketing
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. That is one of the most quoted lines from the late African-American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou and she knows what she’s talking about, unsurprising given the kind […]
Reach the Right People on Facebook by These Facebook Ads Targeting Tips
It has become common knowledge that social media is a powerful tool for social interaction. Almost the majority of people use social media for their social interaction. For that reason, business people make use of social media for their marketing strategy. Yes, when it comes to increasing brand awareness and recognition, social media is the […]
4 Ways Ignoring SEO Could Injure Your Company
This might be a surprise to you dear readers, but people are doing an absolutely terrible job when it comes to their well-being. Take exercise for one, I know it’s undoubtedly good for me and perhaps even necessary and yet, you’d have better luck convincing Nick Kyrgios to make more of an effort with his […]
Things Content Marketers can Learn from Will Smith’s YouTube Strategy
Every celebrity, whether they are actors, actresses, or singers, has their own moment. Casting calls or concerts can come for some of them, but some may not receive job calls anytime soon, and when the latter happens, the celebrities’ name will soon die down and maybe we will never see them again on TV or […]
Being Woke: How to Use Social Media Activism to Build Your Brand
For those not in the know, usually those above a certain age range, the slang term ‘woke’ refers to an awareness of issues of social injustices across society. If used in a sentence, it would go something like this; “Neo was all woke after he choose Morpheus’ red pill”. The use of the term originates […]
SEO for Business Owners 101: This is the Correct Way of Starting a Link Building Campaign
So many business owners are hiring an SEO company to do SEO services for them, but never want to get involved with the process, which can result in miscommunication between the agency and the client. I’m not saying that business owners should do SEO work, but when they get involved with the process, it means […]
Dealing with Writer’s Block: 4 Tips on Finding Ideas for Your Next Content
Back when I first started to write regularly, not professionally mind you, just writing for the sake of writing, I was completely inundated with ideas and it had seemed that I would never run out of things to write about. Oh, how blissfully ignorant I was then. It’s not that I can’t come up with […]
Master Instagram for Business in 2018 with These Easily Understandable Steps
Why do you use Instagram? Why are people constantly looking at their phone, exploring Instagram? Well, those questions are no longer questions nowadays. The majority of us may already know the influence of social media and what it does to our society. We can’t deny the fact that most of us can’t leave social media, […]
Do You Own An Online Store? This is How You Can Make it SEO-Friendly
When it comes to business, people will always start from zero. Do you think Coca Cola immediately got big the first time they run their business? No. They barely sold 10 bottles in a day. But now look at them. Yes, that’s how business goes. However, there are circumstances that you need to look at […]
Preferential Treatment: How to Use Personalization in Content Marketing
Here’s a question for you, dear readers, how would you define yourself? If someone were to pass you on the street and ask you how you identify yourself, what would your answer be? Would you define yourself by your gender and sexuality? By your social and political views? By your race and nationality? Or by […]