“Who Viewed My Instagram Profile?” The Truth about Those Apps that You Need to Know
It has become more common to know that people are addicted to social media. I may also be one of them. Yes, I check on social media too often for my liking that somehow I am trying to find a way to go on social media diet. I know it sounds too much, but it’s true. There are many fun things we can do with social media. We can even read news straight from a daily news based Instagram account. Ah, Instagram. My most favourite social media platform is Instagram. To be honest, I get easily absorbed in browsing Instagram whenever I have time. There are many things to see on Instagram, whether it is memes, random photos, facts, food places, promos, and even online shops. From that we can learn that Instagram is a good social media platform full of target audience for business people. Why? Well, this is the place to reach as many people as possible. For that reason, business owners often use Instagram for promoting their business. With so many things to do on Instagram, the use of this social media platform has also piqued our interest in terms of who pays attention to us. Instagram story, or IG story in short, or as they would like to call it, Snapgram, is one of new Instagram features allowing us to post temporary photos or videos which last 24 hours after they are posted. What makes this feature interesting is that we can see who views our IG stories. With this feature feeding our curiosity, comes another curiosity; who views our Instagram profile? This curiosity actually prompts some tech-savvy guys of making “new inventions” like apps claiming they can help us know who views our Instagram profile. Some people would install this kind of app and even business owners too, thinking that they might have an idea if there is anyone interested in buying their products enough to view their Instagram profile. The worst part is; several apps with the same claim often require us to buy their “full product” that claims to “work better”. As tempting as it is, you need to think wisely. Unfortunately, many still believe it. Well, this article is going to give you some insights in case you almost fall for it, because I’m going to tell you the sad truth about those apps. Keep reading to find out!
Let me tell you this; if you see apps claiming that they could let you know who viewed your Instagram profile, chances are, they are lying to you. Some apps may be able to check who unfollowed you on Instagram since you last logged in, but it’s impossible for an app to track your followers. Why? Let me make it clear for you.
Every application including Instagram itself has an API. An API, or application programming interface, enables two apps to talk to one another. APIs control what information apps can and cannot access. So, if you are asking if Instagram can know who views your profile, yes, they can know. However, just because Instagram can see who is looking at your account, that doesn’t mean it is empowered its API to share that information with you or another app. Simply put, Instagram API does not expose or share that kind of information, and for that reason, it is totally impossible for an app developer to provide that service.
Now you know the harsh truth. If you have already paid those apps, consider this as a lesson for you. Next time you see interesting apps, make sure you do some research first until you know you can trust those apps. Thank us later, but if you feel lost in the middle of your business, feel free to contact our team and let our awesome team help you.