Try It or Leave It: These Stress-Relieving Strategies Work Even for the Busiest Business Owners
Many people complain about how stressful it is being an employee and how pleasant it would be to be a business owner, to be a boss. Well, five years ago, I would have said the same thing. However, after working on content marketing strategy for years and starting my own business as well, now I […]
Riding the Winds of Change: How to Handle Search Engine Algorithm Updates
If there’s one constant in this beautiful mess we call our lives is that things never stay in place. Newspaper was usurped by radio whose star eventually killed by video and television which eventually paved way to the Internet. Finland’s Nokia built a mobile phone empire throughout most of the 90s and early 2000s before […]
Manage with Style: Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brands
A business, no matter how big and famous already, still needs social media. Why? That’s because life is a never ending platform for timeless improvement where everything will constantly change for the better and if a business can’t keep up with the change, it won’t survive this somewhat harsh world. For that reason, many business […]
Different Points of View: Using Fresh Angles in Your Content Marketing Approach
One’s man trash is another man’s treasure. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that phrase or a variation of it being spoken roughly a million times by now but 2019 is the first year in which I finally understood what that phrase meant. I went on a trip with a couple of friends in late July […]