Growing Audience: How to Grow Your Business YouTube Channel by Improving Content Quality that is More Engaging
I’m actually kind of embarrassed to tell you this, but sometimes out of curiosity I would watch Tarot readings on YouTube. Personally, I’m not calling myself a Tarot dilettante, as I’m just curious as to why there are actually so many people who are interested in watching that. I’m not saying that Tarot readings are accurate; sometimes I found some readings quite resonating with my current life but I quickly dismissed the ‘wow’ thought before I admired it for real and replaced it with “Ah, it must be a coincidence.” However, that’s not the point I’m going to discuss here. There is another thing I found interesting during my ‘curiosity quest’, and this will be useful for growing your business if your business has a YouTube channel. Why? Keep reading this article to find out!
As you may already be familiar with YouTube and the channels, I’m sure you know most of the YouTube videos are in high quality, right? Many, as we would like to call them, YouTubers, are putting so much effort into their videos and turning the videos into HD quality in order to gain audience and add subscribers. However, when I was watching Tarot readings from a certain person named Tyler, I found something quite interesting. His YouTube channel has almost 300,000 subscribers and he is very engaging with his viewers even though his video quality is very low. He usually updates every day, but his videos are mostly live videos before uploading them again for those who missed out to watch. You probably know how is the quality of live videos, right? Surprisingly, many people are always waiting for his live streaming notifications. Sometimes he’s got almost 10,000 viewers on his live streaming. Also, when the live streaming is done, he will always re-upload the videos for others (who missed out the live streaming) to watch. This also got him many views as well. With this in mind, how in the world did he get so many engaging viewers even though his videos don’t have high quality? The answer is content. As a person who works to provide content marketing services, I quickly realised what his strength is and how he grows audience by focusing on improving his content quality. These are what I learned from him.
Keep it authentic
Many Tarot readers uploaded their reading videos on YouTube after some editing and cutting. Tyler, however, shuffles and reads his cards straight on live streaming, so everyone knows that he knows what he is doing that he really masters his card reading skills (and I even second those people who say, “Tyler, you are so gifted” as I acknowledge his Tarot reading skills are beyond compare. Oftentimes I found his readings completely describing my whole life. But that’s not the point here. Aside from the fact that he is THAT good in Tarot reading, he keeps it authentic by being ‘transparent’, meaning that he reads it on the spot, without editing and without cutting. He keeps it real and shows how much he has mastered each card’s meanings without faking it.
Keep it consistent
Being consistent is what keeps content more engaging. Why? That’s because it gives a sense of excitement and expectation. When people know that you will always update daily, they really expect you to update daily that they are getting excited for your updates. That is actually what Tyler does. He always makes sure he updates monthly readings starting from the date 1-10, 11-20, and 20-31. Aside from that, he also keeps it consistent with daily readings called “The Almost Personal Reading”, “For Whoever Needs It”, “QOTDs”, as well as “Off the Top of My Head” so people really know what to expect and are excited to wait for his updates.
With this in mind, there comes a question; “Should a video be in HD or high quality?” The answer is yes, it is advisable to make unique content with good quality. However, it doesn’t always depend on it. Content is king and still is until now. For that reason, creating content should be prioritised and also, be consistent when providing content, so that people will be more engaged with your content and you as well.