Hard Work Paid Off: How to Implement Content Marketing Strategy for Financial Services Business
Are you a financial advisor looking to build your own financial services business? Are you a financial consultant looking to open your own financial consulting business? Or are you someone who works for financial consulting business but doesn’t know how and where to start promoting your company? If you are one of those people I have mentioned above, then you are in the right place! Conducting a marketing strategy for financial consulting or services business is not as easy as marketing for restaurant or cosmetics business; it needs content – a strong content marketing strategy to help you raise your company awareness. As a person who works to provide Melbourne SEO services, I have summed up how to implement content marketing strategy for financial services or consulting business in this article. Keep reading to find out!
Before we start, let’s learn from these facts:
- 70% of customers believe brands that share consistent content are interested in building favorable relationships with them.
- 78% of consumers prefer to learn about a company through articles, newsletters and other content rather than through ads.
Well, setting those facts aside, almost 50% of financial advisors and marketers have agreed to produce and share content on a “need only” basis, which means they only create new content and share it across their channels when a particular need arises or they want to promote a new product/service. Let me tell you why I think this is so wrong:
- A business never sleeps; you need to constantly prepare for content to keep people engaged and attracted to your content
- As a business, you need to build trust within you and your target. Your absence in making trustworthy content is going to backfire you
For that reason, let’s implement more consistent content marketing strategy for your financial consulting business!
Start a blog to gain more audience
I know this sounds absurd, but it’s true and here’s the thing: there is no point of selling if you don’t have anyone watching your content. Therefore, in order to gain more audience, a blog should be considered for several reasons:
- By writing and publishing your blog articles, you will get the opportunities to show your ability in this field
- When you write excellent financial tips, people will trust your ability to be their consultant
- Basically, people will see that you know what you are doing
- By constantly writing articles on your blog, people will know how active you are in your business, so they won’t assume you are out of business
So, what should you write about for your blog articles?
You can write about finance news (make sure you are up to date), financial tips and advice, as well as what’s happening at work (yes, you can showcase what you are up to and your progress at work as this will also increase your audience’s trust that your business is not a scam).
Make your objective clear and unique
In content marketing strategy, there is nothing wrong with playing on your objective… only if you do it properly. You can play with your tagline and make it clear to your target audience that you treat your business seriously and you are fun while you are at it. These are some examples you may need:
- A popular savings company is proudly associated itself with its tagline – “More for your money.”
- A local bank in New Jersey has a mission statement – “Committed to those we serve.”
Create your own killer tagline and state your company’s value and objective in one single sentence.
Managing a financial services or consulting business may not be as easy as many would think. However, if you are consistent with what you are doing and focused on achieving your goals through planning carefully, you will have no problems in making great content marketing strategy.