Content, Alive: How Live Content Increases Engagement with Your Target Audience
With the rise of new trends and new inventions, we are now living in a modern life, full of digital stuff. Everything can be done online. I mean, someone can literally buy the food you order through online application, and deliver it straight to your home without you having to take a shower first to get ready. When we think about it, it might be scary how fast technology goes with time, but it is not an unfortunate situation. In fact, in the business world, people can make use of this technology improvement in order for their business to succeed in this digital era. Starting from building a website to increase visibility online, building a buzz on social media, even to hiring content marketing services to create great content marketing strategy to be successful in the world where almost everything is digital. Lately, an increasing demand for live content is inevitable because everyone in the business world is doing it since it increases engagement with their target audience. What is exactly live content? Keep reading this article to learn more!
Perhaps the best example I can give you to make you understand live content is the way you use Instagram every day. On Instagram, I’m sure most of you know a feature that records or takes photos of live events and what you are currently doing – the Instagram story. Instagram Stories is a feature within the Instagram app where users can capture and post related images and video content in a slideshow format. Stories can be modified with the typical features of the popular social media app. Also, content is available for only 24 hours from the time of posting. Stories allow the addition of text, drawings and emoticons to images or video clips. Aside from social interaction use, your business can make use of this story feature for several reasons:
- Instagram stories feature lets you interact and engage with your customers or potential customers easily
- It can build trust and increase your business reliability because with story feature, your customers or potential customers can see what you are up to every day and know that you are a genuine business, not just some scammer
- The features inside the story feature itself, such as quiz sticker (to write your own multiple-choice question and customize the answers), countdown sticker (to count down to any moment – it can be used to count down your new product launch or events), questions sticker (people can ask you a question or answer your question), poll sticker or emoji slider sticker (to write your own question and customize the answers. People can also respond by tapping an option you have provided or sliding the emoji you’ve chosen), chat sticker (to start a conversation in a new Direct thread with a group of followers), and even donation sticker (to allow people to donate to a nonprofit that you care about) can help you in so many ways. Using those stickers can help you get insights on what your customers or potential customers needs and what needs to be improved in your business
Aside from stories, another live content you can consider is going live on social media. Going live on social media can help you interact more directly with your customers and potential customers. They can also keep up to date with your products and you can strongly gain trust from them because they know that the one behind your business is a real human being, not just a spam bot or a robot that automates everything. It gives them the idea that you genuinely care about their problems and are willing to help them with your products. By using live content like this, your business can generate more potential and real paying customers while still being authentic and real.