This One Place Can Surprisingly Boost Your Creativity in Business
Well, we’re talking about one place here, not two or three. You would probably get the idea already. Yes, that’s right. There is only one place in this world that can (surprisingly) boost your creativity; the bathroom. I mean, have you ever felt like you are suddenly good at singing when you are in the […]
Types of Content Marketing You Need to Improve Your Business and Target Your Customers
My friend, who is a business owner, once told me that his business was supposed to be failing. He then told me that one day he met this creative person that gave him a piece of advice, telling him to make “something” for the marketing. I was so sure he had a marketing division in […]
Worth a Thousand Words: How to Use Visual Content in Your Marketing Strategy
The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick’s 2007 excellent book, had an introduction that goes like this; “But before you turn the page, I want you to picture yourself sitting in the darkness, like the beginning of a movie. On screen, the sun will soon rise, and you will find yourself zooming toward a train […]
Business Growth 101: Building B2B Content Marketing Strategy for Successful Business
Managing business or having business in a form of B2B is actually harder than B2C. Why? That’s because you want to be found by your buyer who also happens to be a business owner who wants to provide products or services to their customers. In other words, you are helping them with their business while […]
Content Marketing To-Do List for Small Business Owners
When you are a business owner, you may already know that social media and content marketing are powerful tools in attracting your target audience. However, just attracting them is not enough. You need to keep their interest in your business long lasting. For that reason, content creation is a must. That being said, there are […]
Tear-jerker: How to Utilize Emotion in Content Marketing
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. That is one of the most quoted lines from the late African-American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou and she knows what she’s talking about, unsurprising given the kind […]
Things Content Marketers can Learn from Will Smith’s YouTube Strategy
Every celebrity, whether they are actors, actresses, or singers, has their own moment. Casting calls or concerts can come for some of them, but some may not receive job calls anytime soon, and when the latter happens, the celebrities’ name will soon die down and maybe we will never see them again on TV or […]
Dealing with Writer’s Block: 4 Tips on Finding Ideas for Your Next Content
Back when I first started to write regularly, not professionally mind you, just writing for the sake of writing, I was completely inundated with ideas and it had seemed that I would never run out of things to write about. Oh, how blissfully ignorant I was then. It’s not that I can’t come up with […]
Preferential Treatment: How to Use Personalization in Content Marketing
Here’s a question for you, dear readers, how would you define yourself? If someone were to pass you on the street and ask you how you identify yourself, what would your answer be? Would you define yourself by your gender and sexuality? By your social and political views? By your race and nationality? Or by […]
Finding Your Voice: 5 Easy Steps of Social Media Branding
Germany is known for a lot of things. There’s that mustachioed dictator we’re all familiar with, the birthplace of one of the most famous composer in history and three of the most prominent luxury car brands in the world. Anyone who’s the least bit interested in cars will no doubt be familiar with Audi, the […]