Using Google to Help You with Google: How SERP Can Help You Find Alternative Keywords
Consumerism’s greatest sleight of hand is convincing the world, present company included, that to save money, you have to spend more money. I’ve been in countless situations where in order to take advantage of a sale, I have to spend extra and buy things I don’t necessarily need, typically during buy two, get one free […]
Title Champs: 4 Tips on Creating Killer Titles for the Purpose of SEO
The attraction was to my mind, immediate. The cover was intriguing but not exactly revealing and the blurb included references to Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, which is like catnip to me during those early years of college but it’s the title that I felt most connected to, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I […]
Meaningful Marketing Quotes for Your Digital Marketing Inspirations
Anyone can be your teacher even those who are younger than you, because age is just a number. Age doesn’t define your wisdom, but experience does. That being said, regardless of how many experiences one person has, anyone can still be our teacher. Take example from my 7-year old nephew. My brother in-law and my […]
Brainstorming SEO Strategies: How Online Communities Can Actually Boost Rankings
I used to be a member of several online communities from 2008 until late 2016. Well, when I said “used to be”, I didn’t mean I stopped. It’s just I couldn’t find time to respond and sometimes the conversation went so fast I didn’t have time to catch up. There are many online communities that […]
Small Business 101: Mobile SEO Tips for Small Business
Almost all of businesses from different industries nowadays have their own websites to help them grow their businesses. There are many factors that make a website useful for business. Aside from increasing business online visibility, a website can also provide useful information about the business that can increase its reliability and reputation, making it more […]
4 Link Building Myths Businesses should Avoid in 2019
Can I just use this moment to say that April Fools are absolutely moronic and that we as a society should just stop from participating in this idiocy entirely? I’m not the only one to have made this suggestion; Microsoft first lead the way here when their marketing chief Chris Capossela warned employees to not […]
Walk-In Customers: 4 Google My Business Tips You Could Use for Local SEO
One thing that has been deeply affected by the internet in the past few years is how the phrase ‘locally famous’ has taken on a new meaning. The idea of a local, hidden gem has always been part of our vernacular even before the internet came along but it used to be something that’s passed […]
Internal Affairs: 4 Internal Link Structure Best Practices for SEO
The practice of search engine optimization (SEO) has always been commonly seen as a set of techniques you could do to get people to visit your website. This is great as a lot of websites available online are publications that relies on ad revenues they get from clicks. More clicks mean more money and SEO […]
This is Why Bill Gates Says “Your Most Unhappy Customers Are Your Greatest Source of Learning”
We all know the famous business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and humanitarian; the one best known as the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation – Bill Gates. Having been listed as the second richest person in the world, his net worth is said to reach $100 Billion. Of course, his achievements were not easily gained. Before […]
It’s March Already, but These Should Be Your Best Resolutions for Your Small Business in 2019
I know it’s kind of late to ask this, but what is your New Year resolution? Do you wish for more prosperity this year? Or do you wish for more opportunity for your business? As a person who works for a creative agency that provides SEO services to grow business, my resolution for this year […]