Taking the High Road: How to Avoid Penalties from Google in SEO
Do you ever realize how much of your business or life hinges on being on the good graces of a multibillion dollar business? At the tail end of 2018, a story popped up on the tech blog The Verge detailing the nightmare-ish situation of being a seller on Amazon where competition can be cutthroat and […]
Passion in A Mission: The Role Digital Marketing Plays in Modern World of Business
Over the years of business life, marketing has taken so many forms; starting from traditional marketing that includes flyers, brochures, newspapers, or the traditional person-to-person or door-to-door marketing approach, even to today’s digital marketing. There are many differences when it comes to comparing the traditional marketing with the digital marketing; however, both have the same […]
Raising Your Visibility: Why Investing in SEO Makes Perfect Sense for Your Business
When it comes to running a business, there’s a very fine line between being cheap and being frugal. I once worked for a company that despite its size was still insistent on using their own proprietary software for the purpose of customer service management and searching for a specific customer data can feel like trying […]
On the Global Stage: How to Prepare Your Website for International SEO
When I was still growing up and have no money of my own to speak of, I’m regularly told to not buy things from overseas. Unsurprisingly, this thinking has stayed with me even after I hit my twenties and it wasn’t until the last couple of years that I’ve begun ordering things from overseas, mainly […]
Cater to You: Internet Marketing Ideas for Catering Businesses
They say food is what connects people together. You might have seen memes denoting something like “When your bae was mad at you so you cooked a meal for her and she calmed down.” From the bottom of my heart, I personally appreciate people who have restaurant or catering businesses to “entertain” my stomach. When […]
Front Page Listings: Getting Your Contents Listed in Google News
Does it ever occur to you just how much of your life is reliant on Google? Using me as an example, Google knows where I went last weekend, what performance I was watching there, the exact spot I was sitting in based on the photos I took and where I went to eat afterwards. Google […]
SEO Benchmarking: The Importance of SEO Competitive Analysis in 2019
Theodore Roosevelt once said that comparisons are the thief of joy. While I understand the philosophy behind that particular statement, I found that using others as a benchmark is a reliable way to give myself a boost, as long I’m being smart about it. Right now, I’m dipping my toes at writing fiction. No, I’m […]
One Good Deed a Day: Why Businesses Need More Positivity in their Marketing Strategy
Barely a month into 2019, I think it’s safe to say that for me at least, this year has been nothing but a rollercoaster. Historically, Australian Open has always been my way of kickstarting the year but then I watched Murray’s press conference at the beginning of the tournament and for the first time in […]
Business 101: A Guide to Understanding and Identifying Your Audience for Your Business SEO Purposes
There are many things that need to be considered by a business owner when it comes to making a business plan. However, it is not all about business plan that should be well-thought out about. With the growing technology in this era where almost everything is digital, many business owners start making bigger efforts for […]
Search Goals: 5 Important SEO Metrics to Focus On in 2019
Do you know that there is actually an objective scale that measures spiciness? I actually saw this from an old-ish episode from Top Gear where Hammond showed a particularly hot variant of pepper that has like a million SHU or something where even gently rubbing the pepper on food is much more than enough to […]