Writing from the Other Side: Why Using Professional Ghostwriter for your Blog Can be a Good Idea
Donald Trump isn’t particularly skilled with words. Dive into his Twitter timeline or watch any of his rallies and this fact will be obvious to any observer within minutes; his ‘Scott Free’ Twitter gaffe is practically the stuff of legends. It should then be no surprising to learn that Trump also doesn’t really read. And […]
Mightier than the Sword: Why Writing and Blogging is Important for Small Businesses
Do actions speak louder than words or is the pen truly mightier than the sword? Getting socked in the head is indeed painful but then again try asking anyone who’s been dumped over text at 4 am in the morning six months into a serious, committed long distance relationship and they’d gladly choose being socked […]
Reboots, Remakes, and Revivals: Tips on What You Could Do with Your Old Blog Posts
One of the most talked-about sequence in Ralph Breaks the Internet, the 2018 sequel to 2012’s Wreck-It-Ralph, is that one particular scene when Vannelope met the other Disney princesses where as you might expect, hilarity ensues. There’s quite a lot to unpack from that scene but my favorite one actually came from a separate moment, […]
Business, Branding and SEO: How to Grow Your Business By Branding via SEO
Out of every car that is currently in production, none are arguably more recognizable than the venerable Porsche 911. While it’s a given that other historical automotive nameplates out there have undergone an identity crisis or two throughout their lifetime, the Porsche 911 is fundamentally the same car it has been since 1964. Designed by […]
Millenials for Dummies: 4 Tips to Engage Millenials with your Contents
Instagram-scrolling, avocado toast-munching and craft beer-drinking millenials have been the primary marketing target for companies over the past few years. Now well into their 20s and early 30s, this particular demographic is now at that age where a part of their income is divested into discretionary spending, something that companies would very much like to […]
4 Ways Ignoring SEO Could Injure Your Company
This might be a surprise to you dear readers, but people are doing an absolutely terrible job when it comes to their well-being. Take exercise for one, I know it’s undoubtedly good for me and perhaps even necessary and yet, you’d have better luck convincing Nick Kyrgios to make more of an effort with his […]
SEO for Business Owners 101: This is the Correct Way of Starting a Link Building Campaign
So many business owners are hiring an SEO company to do SEO services for them, but never want to get involved with the process, which can result in miscommunication between the agency and the client. I’m not saying that business owners should do SEO work, but when they get involved with the process, it means […]
Do You Own An Online Store? This is How You Can Make it SEO-Friendly
When it comes to business, people will always start from zero. Do you think Coca Cola immediately got big the first time they run their business? No. They barely sold 10 bottles in a day. But now look at them. Yes, that’s how business goes. However, there are circumstances that you need to look at […]
5 Tips to Kickstart Your Link Building Campaign
One of the joys of this social media age we’re in is that defining fame has never been easier. For example, I could easily say that Chris Hemsworth is the most famous Australian there is. Yes, even so more than the Kidmans, Blanchetts, and Minogues of the world. Blasphemy you say? Perhaps, but I’m not […]
How to Perform First-aid SEO to Fix Errors on Your Business Website When Your Specialist is Away
I remember falling from a tree when I was a kid, well, not that high, but still… you know? My whole body, especially my knees, hurt so much. However, my parents and other people in my house didn’t want to risk injuring me more by performing an amateur injury treatment, especially for the misplaced bones […]