Making Business Matter: The Advantages of Setting Up a Facebook Group for Your Business
Nowadays, businesses use social media to promote their business. In fact, most of them set up their customer service on social media to connect and engage more with their customers. Yes, it is even more effective to help customers via social media. As a person who provides social media services every day, I can say […]
These Are the Smart Ways to Use Social Media for Business, According to a Social Media Junkie
I know I have said this so many times already, but online presence for businesses in this era is more than compulsory. Almost everything in this modern time is digital and accessed online. You can ‘go shopping’ straight from your home without having to take a shower or look good to go outside. Now with […]
Too Hung Up on the Numbers: Why You Should Stop Fussing Over Follower Count
In the field of psychology, there’s this human condition called Monomania. An amalgam of the Greek word monos, meaning one, and the word mania, meaning madness, Monomania is a condition in which an individual possesses a singular preoccupation that borderline on insanity. The foremost example of this obsessive trait can be suit in Melville’s Moby […]
Smart Social Media: Never Ever Post These on Social Media as a Business Owner
Do you ever wonder how cunning online shops can get sometimes on social media? No, I’m not talking about all of them; it’s just some of them. As a person who provides social media services for clients’ business, I have always found things on social media done by ‘unique’ online shops that made me want […]
Manage with Style: Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brands
A business, no matter how big and famous already, still needs social media. Why? That’s because life is a never ending platform for timeless improvement where everything will constantly change for the better and if a business can’t keep up with the change, it won’t survive this somewhat harsh world. For that reason, many business […]
The GTA Effect: What the Rising Popularity of Video Games Means for Marketing
It might seem ridiculous to suggest now with Avengers: Endgame breaking Avatar’s decade-old record to become the biggest film in history, but what Marvel did was a huge gamble back in 2008. In fact Iron Man was such an unknown quantity that there were rumors flying around then that Iron Man was going to face […]
Social Lead: 4 Tips in Converting Social Media Likes into Paying Customers
One of the most repeated jokes I heard in college during the heyday of Facebook was that your Facebook friends aren’t real friends. Even now that we’re two decades into the 21st century, it’s common for people to think of social media platforms as this separate realm, totally disconnected from their actual lives. This has […]
Organise Your Business Instagram Content Like a Pro Social Media Specialist
As a social media junkie, I often have a habit of checking Instagram a lot every minute. I know, I know, I should get rid of this bad habit immediately, but then I found something interesting on Instagram before I even closed the app. It’s a professional photographer who focuses his objects on views and […]
When in Doubt, Be Simple: How to Design Your Own Business Social Media Content
Back when Instagram just launched one of its features called Instagram stories, people were so excited they’d showcase every single activity in their stories, even some still do until now though and I used to be like that as well. However, as time goes by, I am only eager to post things I am really […]
Effective Ways to Use Instagram Live Video for Your Business
We all live in a world where most of us can’t leave the house without our mobile phones. We can literally do anything on the go like shopping, watching movies and even accessing websites while driving (do not do this, though). In this era, we are now attached to social media, a place where we […]