Beneficially Social: How to Manage Social Media for Business Like the True Specialist
With the increase and the improvement of technology and innovation, there are many things we can do without having to leave our house. Have you ever noticed that as time goes by, technology nowadays is all about making things easier for humans to do many things at once? Yes, we often buy things online straight […]
Issue-based Marketing: The Role Brands are Playing Regarding the Issues of Our Time
At the beginning of May, Muslims around the world began a month-long ritual of fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan. For each day during Ramadan, the fast begins at dawn and ends at sunset and before the fast begins, Muslims eat some pre-dawn meal to ensure they still have the energy to get through […]
Social Media Census: How to Better Understand Your Target Audience on Social Media
The internet is a vast ocean of content. I shouldn’t have to say that since it’s already obvious to pretty much everyone at this point. It’s so big that even if you stick to a single website, such as YouTube, you couldn’t possibly consume every single piece of content in there, partly because there’s so […]
Put in One’s Two Cents: Should You Use Instagram Ads for Your Small Business?
I’ve been using Instagram for 5 years, even before the platform changed its brand logo, before they added Instagram story feature and of course before Instagram ads were popular. Last year (if I’m not mistaken), I started seeing Instagram story ads appearing after one or two stories of my friends’. This got me thinking, “Is […]
Instagram 101: How to Use These Exciting Instagram Updates for Your Business
Back when I first started joining social media interaction was during my senior high school days in 2008 until 2009. The first social media platform I signed up to was PerfSpot. I’m not sure if you are familiar with this platform and I’m don’t even know if PerfSpot was still available on the internet or […]
Going for the Likes: 4 Social Media Rules Businesses Have to Abide by in 2019
What I’m about to say might surprise but there are indeed rules you have to abide by on the internet. I know that sounds ridiculous given the depths of depravity the dark corners of Reddit and 4chan are capable of but I do believe that there are still lines you should never cross online. I […]
Showing All of Your Cards: The Importance of Transparency for Businesses on Social Media
Even if I’ve never stepped foot in the United States or the fact that the results of the 2020 United States presidential election won’t affect me personally, I find myself enamored by what’s going on over there. Partly because America has an outsize role in culture as a whole and that everything coming out from […]
No Need for Press Releases: How the Practice of PR has Changed in the Age of Social Media
I don’t think it would be an understatement for me to say that among the field that has been comprehensively transformed with the rise of social media, public relations has been the most affected. In the 20th century, conversations are more limited and scattered and that even if a large group of people shares the […]
How to Manage Social Media Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Most of us know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an American politician and member of Democratic Party. Since January 3, 2019, she has been the U.S. Representative for New York’s 14th congressional district. She drew national recognition after winning the Democratic Party’s primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district on June 26, 2018. Not only that, she […]
How the Newest Changes on Facebook Features Impact Brands in the Business World
Okay, I know this is getting ridiculous, but I think I am now addicted to social media. In my country, people call those addicted to social media as “Mr/Ms/Mrs Post-it-all” – those who post every single thing that happens in their life to social media the moment it happens. I’m not trying to sound like […]