A Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business on Social Media
Using social media accounts for personal use is different than using it for managing a brand. While you can express yourself freely anytime you want on your personal social media account, it is a different story when it comes to using social media account for business – you can’t just do anything you want and […]
Your Target Audience Does NOT Want (and Does NOT Need) to See This Content on Your Social Media
Having social media accounts for business is not only considered as necessary for business owners, but also essential. It is not an unfamiliar sight anymore for us to see businesses being active on social media. The reason is simple; social media is a “place” where the majority of people are just “there” socialising with each […]
Instagram vs. Facebook: Which One is Best for Your Business?
The use of social media has been undeniably influential for almost every aspect of life, including business. With Facebook users reaching more than 2.2 billion users and Instagram users reaching more than 800 million users, many business owners find it as an opportunity to increase their brand awareness. If you are a business owner, you […]
Examples of Bad Social Media Trend Practices You Should Never Do
It has become common knowledge that social media has great influence on many things in life. People use social media not only to express themselves and keep in touch with their friends or family, but also for business and brand promotion. Why is social media very influential, especially for business? Well, the simple answer would […]
Things You Wish You’d Known before Using Instagram for Business
Business is like the ticking time, whatever you do, wherever you are; it keeps moving forward. As time goes by, many new businesses are coming, as well as the new trends. No matter how long a business has been operating, it is expected to be better and better with time. That’s why once you get […]
Marketing under the Influence: How to Pick the Right Influencer for Your Brand
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a brand in possession of certain fame, must be in want of more of such fame. And social media is potentially one of the quickest ways to expand your reach. Social media, whatever your opinions are on the merits of their existence, is big. Big enough for the […]
Explore the Ways to Choose the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Business
Businesses have been competing with each other probably since the very dawn of commerce, especially those in the same industry, and as time goes by, the competition gets tougher, because technology, just like humans, changes and improves with time. The more technology develops, the more new trends appear. Businesses use trends to “stay connected” with […]
Don’t Ever Do These When Managing Social Media for Business
If you are one of those people who love updating photos or status and keeping up with new information or news on social media, it is safe to say that you know how social media works and how most people use it. You might find different kinds of people on social media, starting from the […]
Here’s How Social Media can Improve SEO
When it comes to SEO, it will never “grow apart” from its connection with social media and content marketing. Even some people thought they were the same thing, while in fact; they are just connected to each other, but still different in meaning. For that reason, social media is one of the essential parts in […]