Best Self-Reminder: How to Find Your Passion in Business and Live Your Best Life
In my humble opinion, one of the saddest things in life is when we don’t love our job – when it’s against our passion. Maybe a friend of mine can be a great example for that. She is a hard-core anime fan who loves everything about Japan and its cultures. She has undergone Japanese education, […]
The Foundation of Marketing: The Philosophical Difference between Inbound and Outbound Marketing
If Muhammad will not come to the mountain, then the mountain will come to Muhammad. But what if Muhammad doesn’t want the mountain to come to him? What if Muhammad say, prefers to lounge at the coast of the black sea instead of having to climb a bloody mountain in his free time? Does anyone […]
Too Hung Up on the Numbers: Why You Should Stop Fussing Over Follower Count
In the field of psychology, there’s this human condition called Monomania. An amalgam of the Greek word monos, meaning one, and the word mania, meaning madness, Monomania is a condition in which an individual possesses a singular preoccupation that borderline on insanity. The foremost example of this obsessive trait can be suit in Melville’s Moby […]
The Art of Making Fun of Yourself: Being Self-Deprecating for the Purpose of Marketing
The whole point of marketing is to outline what makes our business so good that people are willing to throw their money at us. We highlight what we think makes us so good, unique and better than everybody else’s that it didn’t take long for our confidence to cross that point of no return into […]
SEO Starter Pack: 4 Important Metrics You Want to Familiarize Yourself With
When you’re really serious about living a healthy life, there’s a lot you have to keep an eye than just simply your weight on any given day. You’re going to have to pay attention to your body mass index, your body fat percentage and how much calories you’ve burned after each workout. If that’s not […]
Try It or Leave It: These Stress-Relieving Strategies Work Even for the Busiest Business Owners
Many people complain about how stressful it is being an employee and how pleasant it would be to be a business owner, to be a boss. Well, five years ago, I would have said the same thing. However, after working on content marketing strategy for years and starting my own business as well, now I […]
Pickup Lines: 4 Quick Tips for Persuasive Writing
It took quite a while for me to realize that good writing isn’t always a page-turner. For a piece of writing to be compelling, it almost always has to be good first but not every piece of good writing managed was able to cross that bridge into being compelling. I’ve read books that while definitely […]
Putting Your Own Spin: How to Add an Original Touch to Your Contents
Writing has always been something that is very personal to me. I’ve always been a private person and I was never the type to publicize what goes on in my head except to the people who are closest to me and even then only when prompted. So I guess I’ve always considered writing as a […]
No Need for Press Releases: How the Practice of PR has Changed in the Age of Social Media
I don’t think it would be an understatement for me to say that among the field that has been comprehensively transformed with the rise of social media, public relations has been the most affected. In the 20th century, conversations are more limited and scattered and that even if a large group of people shares the […]
Raising Your Visibility: Why Investing in SEO Makes Perfect Sense for Your Business
When it comes to running a business, there’s a very fine line between being cheap and being frugal. I once worked for a company that despite its size was still insistent on using their own proprietary software for the purpose of customer service management and searching for a specific customer data can feel like trying […]