Get Fit, Get Success: Effective Social Media Tips for Fitness Business
Sometimes fitness motivation does not only come from ourselves – it also comes from content and this is why every fitness business should start social media campaign to increase their business brand awareness. As a person who provides social media services every day, I never get tired of giving advice on making their content useful […]
Hard Work Paid Off: How to Implement Content Marketing Strategy for Financial Services Business
Are you a financial advisor looking to build your own financial services business? Are you a financial consultant looking to open your own financial consulting business? Or are you someone who works for financial consulting business but doesn’t know how and where to start promoting your company? If you are one of those people I […]
Your Business is Now Live on Instagram! Now, What? Here’s What You Should Do When You’re Live
Personally, I don’t really like going live on Instagram. I mean, once I go live, I don’t know what to say to the viewers (Well, do I get many viewers anyway?). I seldom even post things on Instagram, though I love posting Instagram stories. That being said, I know what I’m doing when it comes […]
The Undeniable Reasons Why SEO Matters Both for Online and Offline Businesses
People in the business world often make this common mistake when building their company; overlooking the importance of digital marketing in this era where technology keeps improving as time goes by. Some of them think they only need to use flyers and spread the word through friends and family. Well, at first I thought the […]
To No Avail: Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Strategy Fails
Have you ever been in a situation where you tried to sell your products but nobody bought your products no matter how great your product quality? If so, let’s high five! I was in the same situation when I tried to sell my preloved items. I did many things to get them sold on so […]
Telling the Obvious: The Undeniable Reason Why You Should Prioritise Content for Personal Branding before Your Business
When my friend asked me for advice about starting a new business, the first thing I told her was to build herself first before building her own Empire. If you are not prepared for what’s to come in your business, then you are not ready to build your business. Building yourself means building your own […]
Jeff Bezos Has the Opposite of Morning Routine than Other Billionaire Entrepreneurs, but This is Why You Should Follow Him
I am what you would call a night owl, but a little bit of an early riser. How is that even possible? Well, I used to have a bad habit of checking my phone when I got home after work and somehow before I knew it, it was way past midnight already and I got […]