A Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business on Social Media
Using social media accounts for personal use is different than using it for managing a brand. While you can express yourself freely anytime you want on your personal social media account, it is a different story when it comes to using social media account for business – you can’t just do anything you want and […]
Understanding Searcher Intent for the Purpose of SEO in 2018
What exactly does SEO do? Parsing the term based on its element, search engine and optimization, we can safely surmise that it has something to do with making the best or most effective use (optimization) of search engines. But who decides what is ‘best’ or ‘most effective’? What criteria are being used for ‘best’ and […]
Simple Steps on How to Fix Your Mistakes in Your Previous SEO Campaign (If You’ve Been Penalised by Google)
Doing SEO campaign is something you will get used to when you run a business. Business owners use SEO services to grow their business, because SEO can boost a business’ visibility so that people can find the business. Of course, in order to gain long-lasting results, you have to do SEO campaign properly and in […]
How Long Does It Take for SEO Techniques to Finally Kick in?
Business is a commitment. Once you have decided to own a business, you are making a commitment to yourself that you will protect your business at any cost. Of course, you protect your business by making the efforts. There are many ways to manage a business, increase sales and boost promotions, starting from social media […]
This is not a Typo: Using Grammarly for Marketing
Those were the best 3 years of my live. My main mission here is to sea the best of what Australia has to offer. The rising trend of outdoor accomodations. The above are just some of the examples of the mistake I’ve made ever since I’ve started to write professionally. I like to think that […]
Here’s How Social Media can Improve SEO
When it comes to SEO, it will never “grow apart” from its connection with social media and content marketing. Even some people thought they were the same thing, while in fact; they are just connected to each other, but still different in meaning. For that reason, social media is one of the essential parts in […]