Putting Your Own Spin: How to Add an Original Touch to Your Contents
Writing has always been something that is very personal to me. I’ve always been a private person and I was never the type to publicize what goes on in my head except to the people who are closest to me and even then only when prompted. So I guess I’ve always considered writing as a […]
Brainstorming SEO Strategies: How Online Communities Can Actually Boost Rankings
I used to be a member of several online communities from 2008 until late 2016. Well, when I said “used to be”, I didn’t mean I stopped. It’s just I couldn’t find time to respond and sometimes the conversation went so fast I didn’t have time to catch up. There are many online communities that […]
No Need for Press Releases: How the Practice of PR has Changed in the Age of Social Media
I don’t think it would be an understatement for me to say that among the field that has been comprehensively transformed with the rise of social media, public relations has been the most affected. In the 20th century, conversations are more limited and scattered and that even if a large group of people shares the […]
The Writing on the Wall: 4 Overlooked Blogging Tips to Augment your Content Marketing Efforts
I’ve been writing, professionally or otherwise, long enough to know that writing isn’t hard. The hard part is in figuring out what to write about and where to limit the scope of my writing. When it comes to writing, I’m part of that school commonly referred to as stream-of-consciousness. I could spend days thinking of […]
Small Business 101: Mobile SEO Tips for Small Business
Almost all of businesses from different industries nowadays have their own websites to help them grow their businesses. There are many factors that make a website useful for business. Aside from increasing business online visibility, a website can also provide useful information about the business that can increase its reliability and reputation, making it more […]
How to Manage Social Media Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Most of us know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an American politician and member of Democratic Party. Since January 3, 2019, she has been the U.S. Representative for New York’s 14th congressional district. She drew national recognition after winning the Democratic Party’s primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district on June 26, 2018. Not only that, she […]
Good Things Come in Threes: Applying the Rule of Three in Marketing
There was a time back when I was still in school, this has to be somewhere around Year 8 or 9, when for a brief moment, math was cool. This was all thanks to the release of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, which happens to coincide with a lesson in number sequences being taught […]
How the Newest Changes on Facebook Features Impact Brands in the Business World
Okay, I know this is getting ridiculous, but I think I am now addicted to social media. In my country, people call those addicted to social media as “Mr/Ms/Mrs Post-it-all” – those who post every single thing that happens in their life to social media the moment it happens. I’m not trying to sound like […]
4 Link Building Myths Businesses should Avoid in 2019
Can I just use this moment to say that April Fools are absolutely moronic and that we as a society should just stop from participating in this idiocy entirely? I’m not the only one to have made this suggestion; Microsoft first lead the way here when their marketing chief Chris Capossela warned employees to not […]
Building Bridges: Social Media as a Tool to Connect with your Customers
Last week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend who runs in the classical music space. He is a member of an orchestra and she sometimes manages the social media account of the orchestra together with a couple other members, including Instagram. Sometime during last year’s orchestral season, the official account of the orchestra […]