Raising Your Visibility: Why Investing in SEO Makes Perfect Sense for Your Business
When it comes to running a business, there’s a very fine line between being cheap and being frugal. I once worked for a company that despite its size was still insistent on using their own proprietary software for the purpose of customer service management and searching for a specific customer data can feel like trying […]
IGTV vs. YouTube: Which One Should You Use for Your Business?
I’m sure you have noticed many new features Instagram has launched lately. First, they redesigned their logo, next they launched Instagram story (IG story in short) feature, not to mention other features included in the IG story itself, like augmented reality and brand-new filters. Now, as if that wasn’t enough already, they launched another feature […]
Reasons Why Having A Business Nowadays is More About Selling Skills and Creativity Than Selling Products
Nowadays when I see modern cafés, I sometimes don’t realise that they are actually cafés that we all know serve food and drinks. I can’t help but see them as photography recreations. I’m not sure if this is a good sign or not, but when people go to a modern café, the first thing they […]
Capitalizing on Tragedy: The Dangers of Responding to Breaking News on Social Media
In January of 2019, a viral 1-minute video began to emerge of a group of American teenagers from the Covington Catholis High School wearing the MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat surrounding an elderly Native American man while he was playing a ceremonial drum. To say that the teenagers came off looking bad in that […]
Cater to You: Internet Marketing Ideas for Catering Businesses
They say food is what connects people together. You might have seen memes denoting something like “When your bae was mad at you so you cooked a meal for her and she calmed down.” From the bottom of my heart, I personally appreciate people who have restaurant or catering businesses to “entertain” my stomach. When […]
Drop it like a Bad Habit: 4 Awful Social Media Practices and How to Avoid Them
Stupid things happen regularly on social media. This is an indisputable fact and even as I’m typing this, a politician, a celebrity or a company probably just posted some insensitive/offensive/tone-deaf remarks and/or images on Twitter or Instagram that would lead to said post being taken down and the offending figure apologizing for said post. In-between, […]
All Eyes on You: 4 Tips to Get More People to Read Your Content
Being a hardcore music fan is full of dilemma. On the one hand, I wish that everyone around would stop listening to generic Top 40 radio to appreciate recent Laneway performers such as Mitski or Courtney Barnett. On the other hand, I kinda wish that those exact same musicians would stay far away from the […]
Front Page Listings: Getting Your Contents Listed in Google News
Does it ever occur to you just how much of your life is reliant on Google? Using me as an example, Google knows where I went last weekend, what performance I was watching there, the exact spot I was sitting in based on the photos I took and where I went to eat afterwards. Google […]
“Who Viewed My Instagram Profile?” The Truth about Those Apps that You Need to Know
It has become more common to know that people are addicted to social media. I may also be one of them. Yes, I check on social media too often for my liking that somehow I am trying to find a way to go on social media diet. I know it sounds too much, but it’s […]
SEO Benchmarking: The Importance of SEO Competitive Analysis in 2019
Theodore Roosevelt once said that comparisons are the thief of joy. While I understand the philosophy behind that particular statement, I found that using others as a benchmark is a reliable way to give myself a boost, as long I’m being smart about it. Right now, I’m dipping my toes at writing fiction. No, I’m […]