Understanding Searcher Intent for the Purpose of SEO in 2018
What exactly does SEO do? Parsing the term based on its element, search engine and optimization, we can safely surmise that it has something to do with making the best or most effective use (optimization) of search engines. But who decides what is ‘best’ or ‘most effective’? What criteria are being used for ‘best’ and […]
Simple Steps on How to Fix Your Mistakes in Your Previous SEO Campaign (If You’ve Been Penalised by Google)
Doing SEO campaign is something you will get used to when you run a business. Business owners use SEO services to grow their business, because SEO can boost a business’ visibility so that people can find the business. Of course, in order to gain long-lasting results, you have to do SEO campaign properly and in […]
How Long Does It Take for SEO Techniques to Finally Kick in?
Business is a commitment. Once you have decided to own a business, you are making a commitment to yourself that you will protect your business at any cost. Of course, you protect your business by making the efforts. There are many ways to manage a business, increase sales and boost promotions, starting from social media […]
Disgruntled Readers: 4 Tips on Why Your Writing Isn’t Connecting With Readers
Kazuo Ishiguro, 2017’s winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, and someone whom I profoundly admire, had this to say about his writing. “One person writing in a quiet room, trying to connect with another person, reading in another quiet – or maybe not so quiet – room. Stories can entertain, sometimes teach or argue […]
Your Target Audience Does NOT Want (and Does NOT Need) to See This Content on Your Social Media
Having social media accounts for business is not only considered as necessary for business owners, but also essential. It is not an unfamiliar sight anymore for us to see businesses being active on social media. The reason is simple; social media is a “place” where the majority of people are just “there” socialising with each […]
The Importance of Building Your Buyer Personas to Create a Top-notch Content Marketing Strategy…and How to Do It
In the business world, marketing is the primary key in supporting the establishment of a business. Therefore, business owners always work hard in order to create countless marketing strategies to grow their business. Of course there are other essential components that complement successful marketing strategies, such as building a website, creating advertisements, making high quality […]
Event Horizon: Tips on Using SEO to Promote Your Events
Running an event is tough. Depending on the scale of the event itself, the logistics could vary from simply booking a conference room and the assorted meals or closing off parts of the city to make way for a circuit right in the middle of the city. As such, the discussion on optimizing your event […]
Content Marketing Ideas from the 2017’s Awards Finalists That You Can Improve in 2018
Marketing is part science, part art. You can the science behind psychology and data analysis to predict consumer behavior and trends. Other times, like what KFC did with their 11 Herbs and Spices marketing stunt from last year, some innate originality is involved that has nothing to do with science. Now, the artistic part with […]
Instagram vs. Facebook: Which One is Best for Your Business?
The use of social media has been undeniably influential for almost every aspect of life, including business. With Facebook users reaching more than 2.2 billion users and Instagram users reaching more than 800 million users, many business owners find it as an opportunity to increase their brand awareness. If you are a business owner, you […]
The Binaries of SEO, White Hat vs Black Hat
An SEO strategy, like Morpheus’ blue pill and red pill, is at its core divided into two very distinct choices. Akin to the popular distinction between hackers, the people working in the industry dubs them the ‘white hat’ and the ‘black hat’ SEO. In layman’s terms, white hat refers to SEO agents that work within […]