Do You Own An Online Store? This is How You Can Make it SEO-Friendly
When it comes to business, people will always start from zero. Do you think Coca Cola immediately got big the first time they run their business? No. They barely sold 10 bottles in a day. But now look at them. Yes, that’s how business goes. However, there are circumstances that you need to look at […]
Preferential Treatment: How to Use Personalization in Content Marketing
Here’s a question for you, dear readers, how would you define yourself? If someone were to pass you on the street and ask you how you identify yourself, what would your answer be? Would you define yourself by your gender and sexuality? By your social and political views? By your race and nationality? Or by […]
Instagram 101: How You Can Use Carousel Post on Instagram in Creative Ways for Your Business
Almost everybody in the world uses social media, including you, right? Even some people just can’t live without it. There are types of people who use social media; some are just trying to express themselves, some wanting to reach out to their friends and communicate, some use it as a source of money – and […]
5 Tips to Kickstart Your Link Building Campaign
One of the joys of this social media age we’re in is that defining fame has never been easier. For example, I could easily say that Chris Hemsworth is the most famous Australian there is. Yes, even so more than the Kidmans, Blanchetts, and Minogues of the world. Blasphemy you say? Perhaps, but I’m not […]
Finding Your Voice: 5 Easy Steps of Social Media Branding
Germany is known for a lot of things. There’s that mustachioed dictator we’re all familiar with, the birthplace of one of the most famous composer in history and three of the most prominent luxury car brands in the world. Anyone who’s the least bit interested in cars will no doubt be familiar with Audi, the […]
How to Perform First-aid SEO to Fix Errors on Your Business Website When Your Specialist is Away
I remember falling from a tree when I was a kid, well, not that high, but still… you know? My whole body, especially my knees, hurt so much. However, my parents and other people in my house didn’t want to risk injuring me more by performing an amateur injury treatment, especially for the misplaced bones […]
Making Amends: 4 Tips on How to Handle Social Media Missteps
Just last week, the internet had a little bit of fun when one of the planes from the Hong Kong flag carrier Cathay Pacific was found to suffer from a glaring typo in its paint job. Instead of a text on the plane’s side spelling ‘Cathay Pacific’ as it normally would, it spells ‘Cathay Paciic’ […]
Objective Search: What exactly is a Search Engine?
In late August of 2018, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, continues his battle against pretty much almost everyone by accusing Google of being biased against him with a series of early morning Twitter posts from his official account. If that wasn’t enough, President Trump also posted thinly-veiled threats against the search […]
Sky-high Opportunity: Reasons to Use Skype for Business Communication and Collaboration in 2018
Who doesn’t love instant messaging? We all love it. It is easier, faster and cheaper that we only need internet connection to use that. Aside from that, instant messaging is very convenient when it comes to social media, as it connects us to our friends or family faster than any average mobile messaging. I’m sure […]
Splitting Hairs: The Distinction between Content Writing and Copy Writing
It’s a tale as old as time. You applied for a position online, you were asked to come for an interview, you nailed said interview, you negotiated your compensation and you finally arrived at the office on your first day of work. And at some point, usually during during a lunch break, you realize that […]