How Long Does It Take for SEO Techniques to Finally Kick in?
Business is a commitment. Once you have decided to own a business, you are making a commitment to yourself that you will protect your business at any cost. Of course, you protect your business by making the efforts. There are many ways to manage a business, increase sales and boost promotions, starting from social media […]
Your Target Audience Does NOT Want (and Does NOT Need) to See This Content on Your Social Media
Having social media accounts for business is not only considered as necessary for business owners, but also essential. It is not an unfamiliar sight anymore for us to see businesses being active on social media. The reason is simple; social media is a “place” where the majority of people are just “there” socialising with each […]
Content Marketing Ideas from the 2017’s Awards Finalists That You Can Improve in 2018
Marketing is part science, part art. You can the science behind psychology and data analysis to predict consumer behavior and trends. Other times, like what KFC did with their 11 Herbs and Spices marketing stunt from last year, some innate originality is involved that has nothing to do with science. Now, the artistic part with […]
Instagram vs. Facebook: Which One is Best for Your Business?
The use of social media has been undeniably influential for almost every aspect of life, including business. With Facebook users reaching more than 2.2 billion users and Instagram users reaching more than 800 million users, many business owners find it as an opportunity to increase their brand awareness. If you are a business owner, you […]
How to Build an Effective Content Marketing Campaign Told by the Experts Themselves
They say marketing is like magic. We use its strategy to mesmerise people. Just using the right “charm”, we can attract people’s attention at the drop of a hat. Well, the truth is, it is not that simple. In this era where almost everything is digital, it has become more common for businesses to have […]
Your SEO To-Do-List: Strategic Tips to Optimise Your Website
Most business owners nowadays have their own websites, and are already familiar with the term SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and why it is important for their business. Of course, in order for their brand to be recognised by people in the world, they need to make the world “notice” them. There are ways to make […]
Here’s How Social Media can Improve SEO
When it comes to SEO, it will never “grow apart” from its connection with social media and content marketing. Even some people thought they were the same thing, while in fact; they are just connected to each other, but still different in meaning. For that reason, social media is one of the essential parts in […]
Reasons Why Your Website is Not SEO Friendly
You’ve got it right. You had an excellently designed website, people saw a very charming website – your website; you seemed to be doing well with this. That’s until you realized your website did not get ranked high and seemed to be not easily read by search engines, and not easily found by potential customers; […]
Grey-Hat SEO: Yay or Nay?
In the world where almost everything is digital, most business owners have become more competitive with each other. Of course, almost all of them already know the role of SEO in the business world; therefore, most of them use SEO services to help improve their business. However, only few of them know that there are […]
Are You a Business Owner? This is Why You’re Going to Need SEO for Your Business in 2018
In the constantly on-the-move business world, the use of the internet and the advanced technology has never been left out. People would try everything to keep up with the trends for the sake of their business. Yes, it’s either keeping up with the trends, or putting up with the pain. That being said, there is […]