Avoid These Bad Habits If You Are Writing Your Own Article for Your Business
“It can wait.” “I don’t have time.” Those common statements are always found everywhere, especially in a place where lazy people are. I found many people procrastinating their work because of this kind of mindset, especially if their work involves writing. Yes, writing needs creativity, imagination, topped off with accurate information that should inspire readers, […]
These Not-So-New Instagram Features Can Help You Get the Best Out of Your Social Media Campaign
The use of social media has been undoubtedly influential for many things in life, especially for business. Now social media is not only for personal use, but also for business or even government as well. The benefits of using Instagram for business can be felt when a post is viewed by many people at once, […]
Ethics in Marketing: Tips on Applying Political Correctness in Marketing
2018 is the year of division. Whether it’s political, religious, scientific or something silly like Laurel or Yanny, almost everything is up for debate. Even the World Cup, normally a cultural melting pot where people and countries can put aside their differences for the love of the game isn’t free of its controversies, not the […]
Understanding Searcher Intent for the Purpose of SEO in 2018
What exactly does SEO do? Parsing the term based on its element, search engine and optimization, we can safely surmise that it has something to do with making the best or most effective use (optimization) of search engines. But who decides what is ‘best’ or ‘most effective’? What criteria are being used for ‘best’ and […]
How Long Does It Take for SEO Techniques to Finally Kick in?
Business is a commitment. Once you have decided to own a business, you are making a commitment to yourself that you will protect your business at any cost. Of course, you protect your business by making the efforts. There are many ways to manage a business, increase sales and boost promotions, starting from social media […]
Disgruntled Readers: 4 Tips on Why Your Writing Isn’t Connecting With Readers
Kazuo Ishiguro, 2017’s winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, and someone whom I profoundly admire, had this to say about his writing. “One person writing in a quiet room, trying to connect with another person, reading in another quiet – or maybe not so quiet – room. Stories can entertain, sometimes teach or argue […]
This is not a Typo: Using Grammarly for Marketing
Those were the best 3 years of my live. My main mission here is to sea the best of what Australia has to offer. The rising trend of outdoor accomodations. The above are just some of the examples of the mistake I’ve made ever since I’ve started to write professionally. I like to think that […]
The Best Opportunities to Rank High for Your SEO in 2018
As a business owner, it is only natural for you to want the best for your company, especially in 2018, where you can start everything again. Therefore, aside from planning a better content marketing strategy for improving your business, you can also start your 2018 with planning more for SEO. If you are already using […]