Raising Your Visibility: Why Investing in SEO Makes Perfect Sense for Your Business
When it comes to running a business, there’s a very fine line between being cheap and being frugal. I once worked for a company that despite its size was still insistent on using their own proprietary software for the purpose of customer service management and searching for a specific customer data can feel like trying […]
B2B Businesses and Facebook Understanding What’s Right and Wrong
The influence of social media has been undeniably strong in many aspects of life, including and especially business life. Why? The reason is simple; it is because most people use it and for that, it will be easier for business to reach their target audience. Many B2C businesses use social media platform like Instagram to […]
Being Woke: How to Use Social Media Activism to Build Your Brand
For those not in the know, usually those above a certain age range, the slang term ‘woke’ refers to an awareness of issues of social injustices across society. If used in a sentence, it would go something like this; “Neo was all woke after he choose Morpheus’ red pill”. The use of the term originates […]
SEO for Business Owners 101: This is the Correct Way of Starting a Link Building Campaign
So many business owners are hiring an SEO company to do SEO services for them, but never want to get involved with the process, which can result in miscommunication between the agency and the client. I’m not saying that business owners should do SEO work, but when they get involved with the process, it means […]
Finding Your Voice: 5 Easy Steps of Social Media Branding
Germany is known for a lot of things. There’s that mustachioed dictator we’re all familiar with, the birthplace of one of the most famous composer in history and three of the most prominent luxury car brands in the world. Anyone who’s the least bit interested in cars will no doubt be familiar with Audi, the […]
Ethics in Marketing: Tips on Applying Political Correctness in Marketing
2018 is the year of division. Whether it’s political, religious, scientific or something silly like Laurel or Yanny, almost everything is up for debate. Even the World Cup, normally a cultural melting pot where people and countries can put aside their differences for the love of the game isn’t free of its controversies, not the […]
A Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business on Social Media
Using social media accounts for personal use is different than using it for managing a brand. While you can express yourself freely anytime you want on your personal social media account, it is a different story when it comes to using social media account for business – you can’t just do anything you want and […]
Understanding Searcher Intent for the Purpose of SEO in 2018
What exactly does SEO do? Parsing the term based on its element, search engine and optimization, we can safely surmise that it has something to do with making the best or most effective use (optimization) of search engines. But who decides what is ‘best’ or ‘most effective’? What criteria are being used for ‘best’ and […]
Simple Steps on How to Fix Your Mistakes in Your Previous SEO Campaign (If You’ve Been Penalised by Google)
Doing SEO campaign is something you will get used to when you run a business. Business owners use SEO services to grow their business, because SEO can boost a business’ visibility so that people can find the business. Of course, in order to gain long-lasting results, you have to do SEO campaign properly and in […]
How Long Does It Take for SEO Techniques to Finally Kick in?
Business is a commitment. Once you have decided to own a business, you are making a commitment to yourself that you will protect your business at any cost. Of course, you protect your business by making the efforts. There are many ways to manage a business, increase sales and boost promotions, starting from social media […]