Instagram vs. Facebook: Which One is Best for Your Business?
The use of social media has been undeniably influential for almost every aspect of life, including business. With Facebook users reaching more than 2.2 billion users and Instagram users reaching more than 800 million users, many business owners find it as an opportunity to increase their brand awareness. If you are a business owner, you […]
How to Think Outside the Box without Being Off Topic in Content Marketing Strategy
Having a business is not just about having money and asset for your business. When you own a business, you are expected to grow so that you can also grow your business. Therefore, in order to grow, a business owner must not only possess a strong business mind, but also possess a great marketer’s mind […]
Examples of Bad Social Media Trend Practices You Should Never Do
It has become common knowledge that social media has great influence on many things in life. People use social media not only to express themselves and keep in touch with their friends or family, but also for business and brand promotion. Why is social media very influential, especially for business? Well, the simple answer would […]
Time Signal: How to Optimize Dwell Time for Your Website
Not many people would admit this but SEO can be a pretty esoteric field of business. The lack of transparency to how an algorithm decides a ranking for a particular page is one contributing factor but as the algorithm itself grew more and more sophisticated, the sheer amount and complexity of factors (some of which […]
Data Mining: Why Statistics are Important for Your Blog Posts in 2018
Numbers don’t lie. They may not tell the whole truth and sometimes, what they mean can be left up to interpretation but numbers never lie. This core tenet is why any a review of a sports car is peppered with facts on its top speed, 0-60 times, the amount of lateral g the car produces […]
Things You Wish You’d Known before Using Instagram for Business
Business is like the ticking time, whatever you do, wherever you are; it keeps moving forward. As time goes by, many new businesses are coming, as well as the new trends. No matter how long a business has been operating, it is expected to be better and better with time. That’s why once you get […]
Artificial Augmentations: How to Adapt SEO Strategies with the Rise of A.I.
Back in 2015, the organization behind Formula E, basically a fully electric version of Formula 1, announced Roborace, a motorsport championship featuring electric-powered single-seaters with full autonomous driving capabilities that will run as a support series for the 2016-2017 Formula E season. Long story short, it didn’t happen but they are still working on getting […]
Tips on Using Content Marketing Goals to Identify Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Marketing is a never ending entity that will never cease to exist especially now in a world where business is growing and technology is developing. At the same time, the number of businesses keeps increasing and the competition between business owners is getting tougher than ever. It’s true that in the constantly changing world, business […]
Marketing under the Influence: How to Pick the Right Influencer for Your Brand
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a brand in possession of certain fame, must be in want of more of such fame. And social media is potentially one of the quickest ways to expand your reach. Social media, whatever your opinions are on the merits of their existence, is big. Big enough for the […]
The Importance of Online Reviews for Your SEO: Work Harder
Business and SEO are two things in the world that can never be separated. You can never ignore the importance of SEO for business. For that reason, many business owners use SEO services to help them grow their business. Now with so many new trends in the digital life, almost everything is online, including complaining […]