Being Woke: How to Use Social Media Activism to Build Your Brand
For those not in the know, usually those above a certain age range, the slang term ‘woke’ refers to an awareness of issues of social injustices across society. If used in a sentence, it would go something like this; “Neo was all woke after he choose Morpheus’ red pill”. The use of the term originates […]
SEO for Business Owners 101: This is the Correct Way of Starting a Link Building Campaign
So many business owners are hiring an SEO company to do SEO services for them, but never want to get involved with the process, which can result in miscommunication between the agency and the client. I’m not saying that business owners should do SEO work, but when they get involved with the process, it means […]
Master Instagram for Business in 2018 with These Easily Understandable Steps
Why do you use Instagram? Why are people constantly looking at their phone, exploring Instagram? Well, those questions are no longer questions nowadays. The majority of us may already know the influence of social media and what it does to our society. We can’t deny the fact that most of us can’t leave social media, […]
5 Tips to Kickstart Your Link Building Campaign
One of the joys of this social media age we’re in is that defining fame has never been easier. For example, I could easily say that Chris Hemsworth is the most famous Australian there is. Yes, even so more than the Kidmans, Blanchetts, and Minogues of the world. Blasphemy you say? Perhaps, but I’m not […]
Finding Your Voice: 5 Easy Steps of Social Media Branding
Germany is known for a lot of things. There’s that mustachioed dictator we’re all familiar with, the birthplace of one of the most famous composer in history and three of the most prominent luxury car brands in the world. Anyone who’s the least bit interested in cars will no doubt be familiar with Audi, the […]
Finding Inspiration 101: Best B2C-Inspired B2B Marketing Strategies You Can Apply on Your Business
Owning a B2B company may not be as smooth as owning B2C company when it comes to marketing strategies, because you are not directly selling to direct consumers; therefore, your audience is most likely a business owner, and finding business owners to make them recognise your products or services is not that easy. B2C concept, […]
Objective Search: What exactly is a Search Engine?
In late August of 2018, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, continues his battle against pretty much almost everyone by accusing Google of being biased against him with a series of early morning Twitter posts from his official account. If that wasn’t enough, President Trump also posted thinly-veiled threats against the search […]
Sky-high Opportunity: Reasons to Use Skype for Business Communication and Collaboration in 2018
Who doesn’t love instant messaging? We all love it. It is easier, faster and cheaper that we only need internet connection to use that. Aside from that, instant messaging is very convenient when it comes to social media, as it connects us to our friends or family faster than any average mobile messaging. I’m sure […]
Splitting Hairs: The Distinction between Content Writing and Copy Writing
It’s a tale as old as time. You applied for a position online, you were asked to come for an interview, you nailed said interview, you negotiated your compensation and you finally arrived at the office on your first day of work. And at some point, usually during during a lunch break, you realize that […]
Should Non-profit Organisation Have a Website?
Having a website for business is common, but having a website for non-profit organisation? That is something. Having a website for a good cause that does not get you anything back in return is something you can be proud of. Not because you are boastful, but it is because you care. With so many websites […]