Behavior in Marketing: 4 Tips on Social Media Etiquettes Your Business Need to Abide by
The internet is full of contradictions. On one hand, this is the place where we, as a society, collectively gush over our feline friends, with cat-related contents still proving to be one of the most popular things out there. On the other hand, it is also a place where the digital divide has provided the […]
Creative and Well-Thought Out Content Marketing Examples You Can Learn from
When it comes to business, being creative and logic is essential, especially if you are creating a strategy for your content marketing. If you own a business, you may find being creative and logical at the same time is going to be helpful for your business, because you can produce well-prepared and well-thought out content […]
Skills You Should Improve to Deliver the Best Content Marketing Strategy
Let’s get straight to the point; in the business world, you will never be separated from content marketing. Why? That’s because content marketing is the core of business management. Building content marketing strategy is one of the most difficult parts of managing a business, because not all people can really understand ideas and how to […]
Editor’s Picks: Why Your Business Needs a Content Editor for the Purpose of Marketing
In July this year, President Trump visited the UK in a much protested trip that included, among all things, an inflatable baby caricature of Trump that was flown over Parliament Square, London and a campaign to try and get Green Day’s 2004 seminal hit song American Idiot to the top of the UK charts. Both […]
Avoid These Bad Habits If You Are Writing Your Own Article for Your Business
“It can wait.” “I don’t have time.” Those common statements are always found everywhere, especially in a place where lazy people are. I found many people procrastinating their work because of this kind of mindset, especially if their work involves writing. Yes, writing needs creativity, imagination, topped off with accurate information that should inspire readers, […]
Going Up to 11: How to Incorporate Content Amplification into Your Marketing Strategy
Spent some time strolling through the internet at any given moment and you’d no doubt come to one conclusion, the internet has reached a point of saturation. At last count, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is generated every day, that’s a grand total of 18 zeros. Focusing our attention on social media sites alone, the […]
The Things that Matter: 5 Most Important Google Ranking Signals of 2018
How do you peel an orange correctly? Who exactly is Banksy? Was I a victim of Thanos’ finger snap? Those are some of the questions I’ve asked Google in the past few weeks and some have satisfying answers (I was slain by Thanos, for the greater good) while some are inconclusive (apparently, it’s impossible to […]
Understanding Searcher Intent for the Purpose of SEO in 2018
What exactly does SEO do? Parsing the term based on its element, search engine and optimization, we can safely surmise that it has something to do with making the best or most effective use (optimization) of search engines. But who decides what is ‘best’ or ‘most effective’? What criteria are being used for ‘best’ and […]
Disgruntled Readers: 4 Tips on Why Your Writing Isn’t Connecting With Readers
Kazuo Ishiguro, 2017’s winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, and someone whom I profoundly admire, had this to say about his writing. “One person writing in a quiet room, trying to connect with another person, reading in another quiet – or maybe not so quiet – room. Stories can entertain, sometimes teach or argue […]
New to SEO? Find Out the Right and the Bad Way of Using SEO Techniques for Your Business’ Website
Almost all companies use SEO services for their business. Many are competing with each other to get the high ranking position in the search engines. It’s all for the success of their business. However, while competitions are being high, some know what they are doing, but some don’t. Those who don’t really know SEO might […]