Small Steps, Bigger Plans: How to Create Special Content for Business During the Lockdowns
I have always known myself to be an introvert who likes to stay at home and even work from home. I have been working from home even before the coronavirus started spreading in my country. Therefore, it bears no difference for me when people started working from home since like March or something. However, even […]
Stay Safe, Business Stays: Does Coronavirus Impact Brand Engagement on Social Media?
What really happened to the world nowadays? The used-to-be busy streets are now silent and almost empty. The business towers no longer give some lights at night. Yes, it’s coronavirus all over again. Many business owners have started cutting corners with their budget and going for other impromptu plans. Restaurants have taken delivery orders more […]
Critical Response: What Does Coronavirus Mean for Your Business?
I don’t know about you, but ever since the Coronavirus outbreak started, I have ‘accidentally’ discovered my friends’ true colors. I found some so caring by sharing positive vibes and useful information, some were donating money for those infected by coronavirus and surprisingly (and not surprisingly), I found some friends who were trying to take […]
Written in a Book: Does Your Business Website Need a Blog?
In this day and age, it is an undeniable fact that most business owners nowadays know the importance of having a website and increasing online visibility for a business. And surely, many of them do have a website for their business. However, do they need a blog included in their website? Well, as a person […]
Better Write It Right: How to Exceptionally Write Content for Your Business
When it comes to business, being creative is a priority. Organizations and businesses today operate in a highly competitive, global environment, making creativity crucial. Creativity is what fuels big ideas, challenges employees’ way of thinking, and opens the door to new business opportunities. Creative business ideas set companies apart from one another. Without creativity and […]
The Rise of TikTok on Social Media and How Your Business Can Make Use of It
Somehow around a month ago, I suddenly saw many friends of mine sharing their TikTok videos on Instagram stories. And before I knew it, my home feed was full of TikTok videos. I know that when it comes to social media, there is always someone who inspires others to do things like the famous #10yearschallenge, […]
Questions Unanswered: This is Probably Why Your Social Media Marketing Doesn’t Work
It is not an uncommon thing anymore that people nowadays use social media for business. Social media has multiple positive impacts on business in terms of brand recognition, customer engagement, revenue, and customer service. It also is a great tool to evaluate your competitors and how they are using social media for their growth. However, […]
The Ruling Kingdom: The Important Rules for A Successful Content Marketing Strategy
Everything has its principles and guidelines. If done in accordance with the guidelines and the principles, everything you do will be successful, including content marketing strategy. When it comes to content marketing, there are important rules that you should do in order to achieve the targeted results. In every content marketing services job that I […]
Get Fit, Get Success: Effective Social Media Tips for Fitness Business
Sometimes fitness motivation does not only come from ourselves – it also comes from content and this is why every fitness business should start social media campaign to increase their business brand awareness. As a person who provides social media services every day, I never get tired of giving advice on making their content useful […]
Content, Alive: How Live Content Increases Engagement with Your Target Audience
With the rise of new trends and new inventions, we are now living in a modern life, full of digital stuff. Everything can be done online. I mean, someone can literally buy the food you order through online application, and deliver it straight to your home without you having to take a shower first to […]