Manage with Style: Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brands
A business, no matter how big and famous already, still needs social media. Why? That’s because life is a never ending platform for timeless improvement where everything will constantly change for the better and if a business can’t keep up with the change, it won’t survive this somewhat harsh world. For that reason, many business […]
Different Points of View: Using Fresh Angles in Your Content Marketing Approach
One’s man trash is another man’s treasure. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that phrase or a variation of it being spoken roughly a million times by now but 2019 is the first year in which I finally understood what that phrase meant. I went on a trip with a couple of friends in late July […]
The GTA Effect: What the Rising Popularity of Video Games Means for Marketing
It might seem ridiculous to suggest now with Avengers: Endgame breaking Avatar’s decade-old record to become the biggest film in history, but what Marvel did was a huge gamble back in 2008. In fact Iron Man was such an unknown quantity that there were rumors flying around then that Iron Man was going to face […]
Content Timetable: Several Questions to Consider When Planning your Content Publishing Schedule
Strike while the iron is hot. Be in the right time at the right place. Dig deeper and you’re surely going to find more adages related to the concept of timing, not time. The early bird might get the worm, and forgive me for going a bit macabre here, but it’s the second mouse that […]
The Correlation between Blogging and Content Marketing in the Business World
When it comes to content marketing strategy, it is always connected to blogging. I mean, they are perfect together if combined for business marketing strategy. However, many business owners still have no idea why they are related to each other and what’s the difference between the two and why it is important for business. Are […]
Learn How to Turn Ideas into Real Paying Customers Inspired by Tai Lopez
Perhaps the biggest challenge that business owners have to face before even starting a business is finance related stuff. Everyone is scared to start a business because they are afraid of losing money. As someone who provides SEO services for business, I have to deal with convincing my clients who often felt worried about spending […]
Avoiding Meaningless Marketing: How to Ensure Your Content Isn’t Just Fluff
This might sound surprising but I don’t usually play video games solely for fun. I mean, the fun factor obviously plays quite a huge part in why I love playing video games but it’s not the sole reason why I play video games anymore. For one, I’m not actually a native English speaker by birth […]
Small Business Success 101: Powerful Tips on How to Expand Your Small Business
When I was younger, I was spoiled to no end until one day, it simply ended. From then on, it was so hard to move but then it became easier later. The point is; we get really used to every day routine and habits – the comfort zone, without realising that we have to get […]
Organise Your Business Instagram Content Like a Pro Social Media Specialist
As a social media junkie, I often have a habit of checking Instagram a lot every minute. I know, I know, I should get rid of this bad habit immediately, but then I found something interesting on Instagram before I even closed the app. It’s a professional photographer who focuses his objects on views and […]
The Saturation of Everything: The Content Shock Phenomenon and What Businesses Should Do to Avoid Them
It is the nature of contemporary society that once a certain company came out with something novel that was proven to be a hit, dozens of other companies would immediately follow suit. There was a time when Taiwanese brown sugar bubble tea was something of a novelty but right now, I could name at least […]