The Generational Divide: The Business of Content Marketing across Generations
Contrary to what some of you might believe, age is much more than just a number. The era we grow up in do have a sizable effect on how we approach life in general. The kind of music, films and books we consume, the way we speak, the kind of technology we interact with, our […]
Going Big with Data: The Importance of Analytics in Your SEO and Marketing Efforts
Everywhere you go, you can never escape numbers. I have this close friend in high school that went on to study psychology at Uni. She’s always been interested in the field but part of the reason why she did it is because she’s had enough of math. She went on to eat her words however […]
Having Fresh Startup Business? This is How You Grow Your Audience on Social Media
Every start-up company owner has the same problem the first time they are building their business; audience. If you have just started your own online shop, the first obstacle you have to face is how to grow your audience on social media. You may have social media presence but you end up getting fake followers […]
What You Think of Me: Reasons Why Customer Review is the New Content Marketing
Are you a type of person who would see reviews first before going to a restaurant? Me, too! As a culinary enthusiast, I have to make sure a few things before I go to a restaurant that I’m interested in; first, I have to know if the food is not that bad. Taste is something […]
How Consistency Can Make or Break Your Content Marketing Efforts
In the world of marketing, it’s quite common to see marketers and businesses constantly chasing for the elusive virality, now considered the Holy Grail of marketing. Having one of your ads go viral could launch your brand into the spotlight just in the matter of hours, which can be a huge boon for any small […]
What is the Centre of Excellence and Why is It Important for Content Marketing Strategy?
When we are talking about excellence, we often tend to think it is about excelling in everything; jobs, cooking, crafts, etc. Actually, when it comes to the business world, excellence is about improving and filling what’s missing so it becomes well-prepared and close to perfect. This is especially important for content marketing. Remember the popular […]
Marketing in a Bubble: Why Businesses Should Try Finding a Specific Niche
The goal of marketing has always been about making sure that you could garner the biggest amount of eyeballs for your product and your company. But in a world where pretty much everything is at a saturation point and people’s attention span are so helplessly short, can businesses still fulfill the same marketing goals that’s […]
Restraining Order: 4 Things Businesses Should Never Post on Social Media
For all of its silly memes and hilarious webcomics, social media is actually a pretty cutthroat world. A friend of mine who is somewhat big on Instagram came to this realization when she was caught posting something pretty insensitive while on a long haul flight. She was sat near a family with a raging toddler […]
Pickup Lines: 4 Quick Tips for Persuasive Writing
It took quite a while for me to realize that good writing isn’t always a page-turner. For a piece of writing to be compelling, it almost always has to be good first but not every piece of good writing managed was able to cross that bridge into being compelling. I’ve read books that while definitely […]
Worthy of Consideration: The 4 Different Ways You Can Make Your Content More Relevant
This piece partly came from the discussion I had with a friend on the merits of Final Fantasy VII, the arguably most loved entry of the long-running and highly popular Japanese RPG series. Our discussion was on how that reputation was deserved or not and my arguments was that the game was fondly remembered for […]