Disgruntled Readers: 4 Tips on Why Your Writing Isn’t Connecting With Readers
Kazuo Ishiguro, 2017’s winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, and someone whom I profoundly admire, had this to say about his writing. “One person writing in a quiet room, trying to connect with another person, reading in another quiet – or maybe not so quiet – room. Stories can entertain, sometimes teach or argue […]
This is not a Typo: Using Grammarly for Marketing
Those were the best 3 years of my live. My main mission here is to sea the best of what Australia has to offer. The rising trend of outdoor accomodations. The above are just some of the examples of the mistake I’ve made ever since I’ve started to write professionally. I like to think that […]
Your Target Audience Does NOT Want (and Does NOT Need) to See This Content on Your Social Media
Having social media accounts for business is not only considered as necessary for business owners, but also essential. It is not an unfamiliar sight anymore for us to see businesses being active on social media. The reason is simple; social media is a “place” where the majority of people are just “there” socialising with each […]
The Best Opportunities to Rank High for Your SEO in 2018
As a business owner, it is only natural for you to want the best for your company, especially in 2018, where you can start everything again. Therefore, aside from planning a better content marketing strategy for improving your business, you can also start your 2018 with planning more for SEO. If you are already using […]
Your SEO To-Do-List: Strategic Tips to Optimise Your Website
Most business owners nowadays have their own websites, and are already familiar with the term SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and why it is important for their business. Of course, in order for their brand to be recognised by people in the world, they need to make the world “notice” them. There are ways to make […]
New to SEO? Find Out the Right and the Bad Way of Using SEO Techniques for Your Business’ Website
Almost all companies use SEO services for their business. Many are competing with each other to get the high ranking position in the search engines. It’s all for the success of their business. However, while competitions are being high, some know what they are doing, but some don’t. Those who don’t really know SEO might […]